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Rama Devi Kanneganti, a successful entrepreneur, business consultant, and social worker, is the Founder and President of the Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India (ALEAP) and Chairperson of Atal Incubation Centre ALEAP We-Hub. Rama Devi’s passion for empowering women entrepreneurs was greatly influenced by her mother, Lakshmi Bai Potluri, who was awarded the President Award for Social Service.
Established in 1993, ALEAP, initially known as the Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of Andhra Pradesh, now has 10,000 members, including 5,000 established entrepreneurs. For the past 30 years, ALEAP has been fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the manufacturing sector for women, helping to create job opportunities and advance women’s economic independence.
ALEAP has developed multiple industrial parks for women entrepreneurs, providing employment to thousands of people. Among its flagship programs are the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, ALEAP Credit Guarantee Association, Vipani, Vandemataram, and AIC ALEAP We-Hub, which all contribute to the growth and sustainability of women-led businesses.
Despite facing numerous challenges, ALEAP has made significant strides in supporting women entrepreneurs. Rama Devi is particularly inspired by Padmavathi, a successful entrepreneur who started with ALEAP training and now owns two businesses catering to the pharmaceutical industry.
ALEAP is working on setting up a defense incubation center and focusing on international trade to help women entrepreneurs become global players. The organization also aims to open up export-import trade for entrepreneurs to reach larger markets.
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